Lond Daer, por Barthezz Brick (Flickr)

Já tínhamos falado de um diorama espectacular sobre o Spider-Man anteriormente, mas eis que Barthezz Brick (Flickr) nos mostra mais uma construção, ainda mais imponente que a anterior. 
Lond Daer é o nome deste moc, uma cidade do universo de Tolkien (Hobbit e Lord of the Rings).
Este é um projecto que envolve mais construtores (ver #SecondAgeCollab) e são esperados mais mocs futuramente.
Fica aqui uma breve descrição por parte do autor 

This city was the first permanent Númenorean establishement founded in the year 750 of the Second Age by Crown Prince Aldarion on the estuary of the river Gwathló. From here, Aldarion's 'Guild of Venturers' (with their ship Eämbar as their guildhouse) began harvesting the local timber for ship-building.
250 years later, Lond Daer is a thriving city and the Guild of Venturers is responsible for the largest shipbuilding industry in Middle-Earth. But this success comes at a price: the deforestation of the outlying regions, Enedwaith and Minhiriath, became cataclysmic, angering the native Dunlending population. Now war is imminent!

I'm proud to present the second installment in the #SecondAgeCollab: the Middle-Earth city Lond Daer and its thriving shipbuilding industry.
Be sure to follow all the builders tagged, and check Alclone account to see the next part of the collab coming out on Saturday.

Não se esqueçam de ver a galeria do autor aqui
